12:43 AM: Caroline am 1337.

When I think about one Caroline Gibson, i can't help but come back to the same thought time and time again: Caroline rocks.

Whether she's attempting to whore herself out to heroin addicts for loose change (no, seriously), eating ice cream...quickly, or wearing a shirt proclaiming to the world just how cool she is, caroline always manages to maintain a level of rockness far above that of most human beings.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Caroline enjoys listening to music? Yeah, exactly.

holy fucking shit!!!! she's got a mother fornicating bandana type thing on! do you have any idea how much that rocks?

Good god, i'm never letting anyone come up with an idea for a post ever again...

sa***k: give me something to write baout
Caroline123: me!
sa***k: be more specific
Caroline123: how much i rock.
sa***k: ok.