4:23 PM: Free Albums, All Week

After three years, Spoon has finally, finally, finally finished their new album, Gimme Fiction. The album isn't due out until May 9th, but it's already leaked to the internet, and has split Spoon fans right down the middle. Older Spoon fans are wondering where all the minimalist arrangements and hooks that made Girls Can Tell and Kill the Moonlight stone cold classics went, but personally, I'm enjoying the more spacey, polished sound Spoon's going for on this album. Instead of plowing through every song in 2-3 minutes a la Kill the Moonlight and Telephono or revolving the entire song around a few great hooks as on Girls Can Tell and A Series of Sneaks, Spoon seems to have a lot more patience on Gimme Fiction, fleshing out each melody and hook to it's fullest potential. This nurturing approach really helps the album hold up to repeated listens (so far), and there isn't a single clunker on the whole album. Spoon is one of the best American bands we've got, and you owe it to yourself to give them a try if you've been holding out the past few years. If there's any justice in the world, "Sister Jack" will be the song of the summer.

Download Gimme Fiction and tell me what you think:

1. The Beast and Dragon, Adored
2. The Two Sides Of Monsieur Valentine
3. I Turn My Camera On
4. My Mathematical Mind
5. The Delicate Place
6. Sister Jack
7. I Summon You
8. The Infinite Pet
9. Was it You?
10. They Never Got You
11. Merchants of Soul

I also have the album available for download on soulseek, for those who have it. My soulseek name is sarlik.

To make up for my complete lack of posting for nearly a month, I plan on offering a new, unreleased album every day this week. Tomorrow, I'll put up British Sea Power's wonderful sophomore release, Open Season, due out April 4th, and Wednesday I'll offer Of Montreal's new album, The Sunlandic Twins, set for release on April 12th. Leave a comment if you have a request, and I'll try my best to accommodate it.